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Infinite Menus, Copyright 2006, OpenCube Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Tecnología de Vanguardia
The technological platform is renewed and improved constantly in accordance with the latest developments. First-class technological partners guarantee the quality and reliability of service
The technological platform is supported by SUN SOLARIS operating systems with high availability and good workload balance. The systems undergo demanding tests to guarantee their overall performance in critical situations and times of maximum load.
99.9% availability, 24/7, with message delivery guaranteed in no more than 3 minutes
The modular design and scalability allows for growth and ensures the quality of service for unlimited numbers of users, messages and transactions. PortIC audits the service parameters to guarantee optimum quality.
Banco Sabadell     Port de Barcelona    La Caixa Atencio al Cliente 93 508 82 88
Portic Barcelona, All rights reserved - WTC Barcelona - Ed. Este 6ª Planta - 08039 - Tel. 935 088 282 - Fax. 935 088 292 - Legal information